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Public Service Announcement June 10, 2020

The transformation of Guyana to an oil producing country triggered changes in our development as a Regulatory body. As new and scaled-up projects took off, the demand for pollution control and environmental management increased. As such the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transformed and found flexible solutions to new and increasing demands on its services.At  24  […]

Public Service Announcement July 29, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency has been advancing capacity building of  its  staff  through  local  and  international  partnerships.  Moreover,  during  the  period April to July, given the COVID 19 restrictions, the Agency has aggressively pursued and participated in approximately Thirty five (35) webinars aimed at enhancing staff ability to address the growing demand for pollution control […]

EPA hosts Consultation on Marine Litter and Microplastics

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on September 29-30, 2020, hosted a virtual Consultation for the Latin America and Caribbean (GRULAC) Region on ‘Marine Plastic Litter and Microplastics.’ This consultation was a collaboration among the Environmental Protection Agency- Guyana, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Secretariat on the Ad-Hoc Open […]

EPA Issues Environmental Permit for the Payara Project

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on September, 24, 2020, issued an Environmental Permit valid for 5 years, to Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) for the Payara Development Project. Among its conditions, the Permit requires EEPGL to adhere to international standards for discharge of produced water and also limits the permitted duration of gas […]

EPA conducts Community Consultation at Wellington Park Mangrove Reserve, Region 6, as part of the GEF CLME+ EBM Project

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) met with ten (10) representatives, comprising of members from three communities surrounding the Wellington Park Mangrove Reserve site, Regional Democratic Council representatives (Region 6) and NAREI’s Mangrove Ranger on November 11, 2020. The consultation took place the boardroom of the EPA Whim Regional Office and sought to continue discussions on […]


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wishes to remind the general public, their right to the enjoyment of music is not their right to disturb others. As our children are engaged in virtual classes and many people continue to work from home, the Agency urges all to be considerate and avoid excessive noise emissions. Frequent exposure […]


February 24th, 2021-The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hereby informs the general public that excessive emission of noise is an offence under the Environmental Protection (Noise Management) Regulations (2000). Defaulters can be fined up to $700,000 and face up to one year imprisonment. As our children engage in virtual classes and many of people continue to work […]