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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Guianas – Guyana Country Office, and the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment successfully executed a training workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) during November 5-8, 2019. The workshop which was facilitated by two experts, Mr. Stephen Teeuwen and Mr. Peter Nelson from the Netherlands Commission on Environmental Assessment aimed at building capacity of environmental regulators to strengthen the administration and review of the EIA/ESIA. Approximately, forty (40) professionals, comprising of 35 EPA staff, along with representatives from the Environmental Assessment Board (EAB) and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) were beneficiaries of the training.
The training exercise was able to educate the different agencies about the  value of EIA; importance and principles of EIA review; and formulating feedback and permit conditions, amongst others. It also saw the principles being applied to review some active EIAs engaging the attention of the EPA.  Further, the process facilitated review and strengthening of pertinent existing guidelines within the EPA for finalisation.