November 13, 2020 – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hereby notifies the general public, that Oilfield Waste Management Services (OWMS) has changed the location for its proposed Waste Treatment Plant from Peter’s Hall, EBD, to Little Diamond, EBD. This decision was prompted by the concerns raised by residents within the project’s area of influence.
The EPA received an application from OWMS for the Construction and Operation of a Waste Treatment Plant at Plot “A21” Plantation Peter’s Hall, EBD. Subsequently, the EPA screened the project to assess its potential impacts on the environment and determined that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) would not be required to inform its decision on whether or not to authorise the project.
The EPA published its decision on the project in a Public Notice on September 27, 2020. The Notice also informed the public that any person who may be affected by the project may lodge an appeal against the EPA’s decision (EIA not required) within thirty (30) days of the date the Notice.
During the thirty-day period of the Notice, the EPA received objections and concerns from members of the public regarding the project’s suitability at the proposed location. As a result, the EPA placed the project on hold and engaged the project proponent, OWMS on the concerns raised. This led to the developer opting to propose a new location for the project; the new location is more remote and is at Little Diamond, EBD.
The EPA will publish a Public Notice indicating the new location of the proposed project and informing any member of the public who may be affected by the project to lodge an appeal against its decision not to require an EIA for the project. However, the EPA will only proceed to authorise the project if there are no objections from the public and upon receipt of the location suitability approval from the Central Housing and Planning Authority.
The EPA also wishes to notify the public that the processing of Glass Holding Inc.’s application for a Chemical Warehouse and Laydown Yard at A3 & A4, Plantation Peter’s Hall, EBD, has been placed of on hold in view of the developer currently considering alternative locations for this project. The project summaries for these projects are available on the EPA’s website: