It was announced at the International Offshore Petroleum Environmental Regulators (IOPER) Annual General Meeting attended by Executive Director of the EPA , Dr. Vincent Adams, that Guyana was accepted as the ninth member of the organisation. IOPER is an international group composed of national regulators whose members are dedicated to developing new scientific and technological standards; and raising environmental performance standards within the offshore petroleum exploration and production industry. To date, the members of IOPER include Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Guyana’s acceptance into the group will aid in the exchange of information and shared resources and experiences in the sector. Membership into the organisation also allows Guyana to stay informed of current trends and developments in the sector. By having affiliation with this group of experts, the EPA will be able to expand its technical knowledge with exceptional insight and best practices to oversee the emerging oil industry.
Guyana became an oil producing nation on December 20, 2019, bringing new economic opportunities as well as, significant environmental risks associated with the potential negative impacts on the coastal and marine environment. Through the Environmental Protection Act, Cap 20:05, Laws of Guyana. The EPA has the responsibility of ensuring that all activities under the oil and gas sector are regulated in accordance with best practices and adequate environmental safeguards.
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