Frequently Asked Questions
• Environmental Permit – Maximum three (3) months.
• Operation Permit – Maximum two (2) months.
However, it must be noted that the timeframe associated with issuance of each Permit can be extended if there are compliance issues that need to be addressed. The Agency via correspondence will indicate the measures that need to be implemented along with a timeline. Once the stipulated measures have been implemented, then an Operation/Environmental Permit may be issued.
Further, if an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is required for a particular project, then the time-frame associated with the issuance of the Permit will be extended to accommodate the phases associated with the EIA and the EMP.
The 30-days Public Notice is a way to promote the participation of members of the public in the process of integrating environmental concerns in planning for development on a sustainable basis; it applies only to new developmental projects. The public has 30 days to lodge an appeal with the EAB against the EPA decision. The EAB will either confirm or reject the decision within a reasonable time (EPA-Environmental Guidance for the Development, Implementation and Operations of Projects, 2006).
The Environmental Protection Agency investigates complaint matters that are in breach of the regulations set out in the EP Act, 1996. Once the matter is out of the Agency’s jurisdiction, then it is forwarded to the relevant local Authority.
The fees related to Permits are established by the EP Act, 1996. Fees are dependent on the scale of the operation and the environmental issues associated with the project. Thus, the Agency has developed criteria to determine the required fee for both new and existing projects based on the requirements identified.
• Non-hazardous waste (domestic waste) can be disposed in a pit located 100 m away from water ways and 1 m above the ground water table (GFC Code of Practice for Timber Harvesting, 2002).
• Hazardous waste must be collected in containers that are securely sealed and disposed of at a designated disposal facility, or returned to the supplier or buried in an appropriately lined waste pit (GFC Code of Practice for Timber Harvesting, 2002).
• Wood waste can be pushed back into the receiving environment to undergo natural decomposition. Additionally, they can be used to reinforce skid trails or sold to persons who re-use wood waste for energy consumption or fertilizer.
The developer has to submit a completed Application Form, along with the required documentation. Once submitted, an Application Fee of $50 US or its equivalent in Guyana dollars, using the Scotia Bank Daily Exchange Rate, must be paid to the Agency to initiate the Authorisation process.
Checklist of Requirements
Documents to be submitted to the EPA with an Application for Environmental Authorisation
(for New Projects)
• Identification of the Permit Applicant (National ID Card, Passport).
• Proof of Land Ownership (Transport, Lease or other Agreement with the land owner or occupier, or acknowledgement of Application for Lease of State Lands from the Guyana Lands & Surveys Commission).
• A ‘No-Objection’ Letter for the operation from the relevant Local Authority – NDC/RDC/Town Council. Note the Approved Site Plan by the NDC/RDC/Town Council would be accepted as “no-objection”.
• ‘No Objection’ from the Village Council and Ministry of Amerindian Affairs if project falls within Amerindian titled lands.
• Land use suitability letter/Outline Planning Permission from the Central Planning & Housing Authority
• Map showing surrounding land uses, identification of receiving water(s) and the location of any existing or proposed intake and discharge structures and the location of any discharge.
• Draft Site Plan (approved by the NDC/RDC/Town Council, as applicable to project site) showing the layout of the Operation (submit a final version after all necessary adjustments have been made).
• Project Description (summary).
• Business Registration/Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable).
• Indication whether or not a Permit or Licence from any other Government entity is required or have been obtained. Submit Permit, Licence, or Proof of Application from relevant sector Agency – GFC, GGMC, GEA, GFS, Maritime Administration, Sea Defence Board, etc.
• Any other information which the Agency may require under the Environmental Protection Act, 1996 or the Environmental Protection (Authorisation) Regulations, 2000.
* Note in some cases the Site Plan and Map may be accepted as one document, providing that all the required information is stated.
* Please note that ALL requested documents must be submitted at the time of Application before your application can be processed.
Documents to be submitted to the EPA with an Application for Environmental Authorisation
(for Existing Operations)
• Identification of the Permit Applicant (National ID Card, Passport).
• Proof of Land Ownership (Transport, Lease or other Agreement with the land owner or occupier, or acknowledgement of Application for Lease of State Lands from the Guyana Lands & Surveys Commission).
• A ‘No-Objection’ Letter for the operation from the relevant Local Authority – NDC/RDC/Town Council. Note the Approved Site Plan by the NDC/RDC/Town Council would be accepted as “no-objection”.
• Map showing surrounding land uses, identification of receiving water(s) and the location of any existing discharge structures and the location of any discharge.
• Site Plan showing the layout of the Operation.
• Project Description (summary).
• Business Registration/Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable).
• Indication whether or not a Permit or Licence from any other Government entity is required or have been obtained. Submit Permit, Licence, or Proof of Application from relevant sector Agency – GFC, GGMC, GEA, CH&PA, Maritime Administration, Sea Defence Board, etc.
• Any other information which the Agency may require under the Environmental Protection Act, 1996 or the Environmental Protection (Authorisation) Regulations, 2000.
* Note in some cases the Map Site and Plan may be accepted as one document, providing that all the required information is stated.
* Please note that ALL requested documents must be submitted at the time of Application before your application can be processed.
The Environmental Protection Act, No. 11 of 1996, Part IV requires that developers of proposed projects which are deemed by the Agency to have potentially significant impacts on the environmental or listed in the Fourth Schedule must apply to the Agency for Environmental Authorisation (EPA-Environmental Guidance for the Development, Implementation and Operations of Projects, 2006). These projects fall under the following categories:
• Industries;
• Service Industries;
• Processing Plants;
• Mining/Mineral Processing;
• Agriculture
• Wood Processing;
• Waste Handling; and
• Any other project that may have a significant impact on the environment.
Attachment # 1
Checklist of Requirements
Documents to be submitted to the EPA with an Application for Environmental Authorisation
(for New Projects)
• Identification of the Permit Applicant (National ID Card, Passport).
• Proof of Land Ownership (Transport, Lease or other Agreement with the land owner or occupier, or acknowledgement of Application for Lease of State Lands from the Guyana Lands & Surveys Commission).
• A ‘No-Objection’ Letter for the operation from the relevant Local Authority – NDC/RDC/Town Council. Note the Approved Site Plan by the NDC/RDC/Town Council would be accepted as “no-objection”.
• ‘No Objection’ from the Village Council and Ministry of Amerindian Affairs if project falls within Amerindian titled lands.
• Land use suitability letter/Outline Planning Permission from the Central Planning & Housing Authority
• Map showing surrounding land uses, identification of receiving water(s) and the location of any existing or proposed intake and discharge structures and the location of any discharge.
• Draft Site Plan (approved by the NDC/RDC/Town Council, as applicable to project site) showing the layout of the Operation (submit a final version after all necessary adjustments have been made).
• Project Description (summary).
• Business Registration/Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable).
• Indication whether or not a Permit or Licence from any other Government entity is required or have been obtained. Submit Permit, Licence, or Proof of Application from relevant sector Agency – GFC, GGMC, GEA, GFS, Maritime Administration, Sea Defence Board, etc.
• Any other information which the Agency may require under the Environmental Protection Act, 1996 or the Environmental Protection (Authorisation) Regulations, 2000.
* Note in some cases the Site Plan and Map may be accepted as one document, providing that all the required information is stated.
* Please note that ALL requested documents must be submitted at the time of Application before your application can be processed.
Documents to be submitted to the EPA with an Application for Environmental Authorisation
(for Existing Operations)
• Identification of the Permit Applicant (National ID Card, Passport).
• Proof of Land Ownership (Transport, Lease or other Agreement with the land owner or occupier, or acknowledgement of Application for Lease of State Lands from the Guyana Lands & Surveys Commission).
• A ‘No-Objection’ Letter for the operation from the relevant Local Authority – NDC/RDC/Town Council. Note the Approved Site Plan by the NDC/RDC/Town Council would be accepted as “no-objection”.
• Map showing surrounding land uses, identification of receiving water(s) and the location of any existing discharge structures and the location of any discharge.
• Site Plan showing the layout of the Operation.
• Project Description (summary).
• Business Registration/Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable).
• Indication whether or not a Permit or Licence from any other Government entity is required or have been obtained. Submit Permit, Licence, or Proof of Application from relevant sector Agency – GFC, GGMC, GEA, CH&PA, Maritime Administration, Sea Defence Board, etc.
• Any other information which the Agency may require under the Environmental Protection Act, 1996 or the Environmental Protection (Authorisation) Regulations, 2000.
* Note in some cases the Map Site and Plan may be accepted as one document, providing that all the required information is stated.
* Please note that ALL requested documents must be submitted at the time of Application before your application can be processed.